Thursday, January 21, 2010

Simon Baker 我的最爱

From a small town in Tasmania,
The rugged country of Australia,
Came a little boy with wide eyed wonder,
Destined to rise up from Down Under

And his name is Simon Baker,
Surfer dude, home renovator,
They’re going places, risk taker,
He’s bound to be a Hollywood player

Travelling to the showplace Mecca,
Hand in hand with his wife Becca,
He’s got a plan; He’s a quiet achiever,
Becca is his dream believer.

Give it up for Simon Baker,
A classy guy, a girl’s heartbreaker,
He’s a sexy babymaker,
And secretly, your laptop screensaver

They gave him love and strength, a stable family,
Rebecca, Stella, Claude and Harry.
Now he’s on fire, reaching the masses
Rockin’ them Buddy Holly glasses

Give it up for Simon Baker,
Straight up guy, no bulls*** taker,
He’s CBS’s big money maker;
The Mentalist, a rating’s breaker

Give it up for Simon Baker,
You'd want him as your neighbour.
He never would betray ya,
Of course he wouldn’t: he’s from Australia!

Give it up for Simon Baker
Give it up for Simon Baker
Give it up for Simon Baker
Give it up for Simon Baker!

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